Tzav 4 cups 3 matzot Shabat Hagadol &Todah
Tzav 4 cups 3 matzot Shabat Hagadol &TodahOne of the offerings discussed in this week’s portion Parshat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol is the Korban Todah, the Thanksgiving Offering, which was brought by someone…
Tzav 4 cups 3 matzot Shabat Hagadol &TodahOne of the offerings discussed in this week’s portion Parshat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol is the Korban Todah, the Thanksgiving Offering, which was brought by someone…
Shemini-Always take another look…Always take another look… Vayikra 10:6 “… your brethren the entire House of Israel shall bewail the fire that Hashem ignited” What did they do wrong? Whenever we contemplate the deaths of Nadav and Avihu we…
Vayikra- Making the unholy Holy The essence of a Jew’s life is about taking his daily activities and infusing them with Kedusha [Holiness]. Every act that a person does should be for…
Vayikra -Pesach Order(Seder) out of DisorderThe Jews are not known to be an orderly people and therefore on the only night of the year that we have a Seder (meaning Order) we…
Passover -If Only… If Only… Ever had one of those moments? ……..You wished you had not opened your mouth and said something you immediately regretted. How often even before the lips have re-closed,…
Vayakhel Parshat Hachodesh and 4 cups of wineThe Talmud Yerushalmi (Megillah 25b) makes an enigmatic statement: “The reading of Parshat Para (3rd of the 4 Parshiot) and HaChodesh (last of the 4) must take place on two consecutive…
Tezaveh – Purim1) Prohibition of eulogizing and fasting: The 14th and 15th of Adar (Purim and Shushan Purim) are days of feasting and joy. Therefore, eulogizing and fasting are forbidden to everyone, everywhere,…
Tezaveh-Can Avelim send Mishloach Manot or E-cards ? QUESTION:Can Avelim send Mishloach Manot? If not why not? & if there’s a restriction, does it include E-cards that are basically donations to…
Tezaveh-Tzitz Geulah and Megilat EstherThe Mishna in Avot (6:6) says that “anyone who repeats a saying in the name of the one who said it brings- Geulah- redemption to the world”. When we quote a person…
Terumah-purim-yom kippurimThen Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them. (Exodus 35:1)When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, the people assembled against Aaron and…