Vaera-FREEDOM FROM THE PAST AND IN THE FUTUREFREEDOM FROM THE PAST AND IN THE FUTUREby Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weisz, Rabbi of Kefar Haroeh “He commanded them about Bnei Yisrael” [Shemot 6:13]. What…
Vaera-FREEDOM FROM THE PAST AND IN THE FUTUREFREEDOM FROM THE PAST AND IN THE FUTUREby Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weisz, Rabbi of Kefar Haroeh “He commanded them about Bnei Yisrael” [Shemot 6:13]. What…
Parshas Yisro -the art of listeningOn Yisro’s visit to Moshe, he saw the long queues of people as Moshe alone judged them all day long.Yisro says (Shemos 18:17) – “Lo Tov Hadavar Asher…
Tu Bishvat Shabbat Shira -Sadness is a tree without leaves!Sadness is a tree without leaves! Sadness is a tree without leaves but it is also a sign of hope, for with…
Shemos-Remove your shoesHashem calls to Moshe from the burning bush [Sneh] and tells him (Shemot 3:5) “Shal Ni’alecha Mei’al Raglecha” [remove your shoes from your feet]. Hashem created the world as a structure with a hierarchy…
VAERA-REDEMPTION AND SALVATIONREDEMPTION AND SALVATION Four concepts are used to describe redemption: “And I will take you out; And I will rescue you; And I will redeem you; And I will…
Parshat Bo- How to avoid “Cardiac Arrest”?How to avoid “cardiac arrest“This week’s Parsha, Bo, lists twenty mitzvot, sixteen directly about Pesach and nine of them relating specifically to the Korban Pesach [The Paschal sacrifice]. That’s a lot of laws…
Why must one feel gratitude?Why must one feel gratitude?Why must one feel gratitude? We must take nothing for granted and view everything as a gift. The ability to show gratitude…
Shemos – Moshe and Zipporah –Is this a strange match or a match of convenience?Moshe and Zipporah –Is this a strange match or a match of convenience? Once Moshe discovered his Hebrew background,…
Shemos – carry your friend’s burden “Carry your friend’s burden”:_to be aware and share the pain of your true friends “And it was in those days that Moshe grew up…
Beshalach-whatever you do, do it enthusiastically! “And you shall safeguard the matzos” (12:17) ’ushmartem es hamatzos’ (Shemos(12:17)) The literal interpretation of the above verse is that one should approach the preparation…