Emor -The Minyan on the Airplane


“And you shall not desecrate my Holy Name, and I will be sanctified before the eyes of Israel (22:32)”.


The verse (pasuk) seems to be repetitive “do not desecrate my name and I will be sanctified”

The verse issues a special warning. It addresses specific situations where there is potential for desecration and holiness. The quorum (minyan) of prayers seen on airplanes may offer an opportunity to those who have never seen Jewish prayers  before to see them first-hand and participate;ְon the other hand there may be occasions for  Chillul Hashem (profanation of G-d’s name) as in the above instance, people may be inconsiderate to those  sitting nearby. Therefore Hashem in this pasuk tells us when you intend to sanctify Hashem make sure you do not do the exact opposite and profane His Name.


כתיבת תגובה