And behold, a ladder was standing on the ground, and its top reached the Heavens” (Gen. 28:12)
SIR Moses Montefiore, an outstanding Jewish figure, international diplomat, great philanthropist of the 19thcentury and close friend of Queen Victoria, lived to be 101. He built the first almshouse in Jerusalem and was an Ambassador for Jews throughout the world.
Someone once asked him, ““Sir Moses, how much are you worth?” Moses thought for a while and named a figure. “But surely,” said his questioner,” “that can’t be right. It’s a large figure, but seems not large enough. By my calculation you must be worth much more than that that …
.” With a smile, Sir Moses replied, “You didn’t ask me how much I own. You asked me how much I am worth. So I calculated how much I have given to charity this year.”
“You see,” he said, “we are worth what we are willing to share with others.”